Thursday, December 01, 2005

So today. What a day. So many things.
First of all how many people out there knew that Fox was canceling Arrested Development?
I just found out a few nights ago and I am pissed. I can not believe the idiots over there at Fox. So I have a plan that involves everyone. OK so first we all need to email Fox and let them know our disgust. Then email as many companies as you can and tell them that you are boycotting Fox until they bring back AD. I'm talking about any company that buys air time on Fox. That's the only way to stop this. If Coke thinks we aren't watching Fox, even if it's just on Monday nights, then they will cut back on ads they purchase for that night. IT WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE! At least it's worth a try.

There were some other things that happened today that have me pissed off, and one thing that has me scarred for life (no joke, I felt part of me die) but I'm going to keep those to myself.

Just join the cause people. We must save Arrested Development. Because if we don't have the distraction from what really matters in this world, we may have to start facing the things that effect us on meaningful levels. Who wants that?

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